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THC Blog

Kelli Whitney

The Best Things Come to Those Who Wait!

Are you familiar with the saying "Patience is a Virtue"? It's a saying I have used with my kids time and time again. However, I have learned that it is a virtue I do not possess! Starting a business, working to create a website, as well as learning how to use the website has been a long stream of hurry up and wait. Every deadline has been extended, every process has been scrutinized and changed and we are learning every step of the way! Did I mention that working with your spouse is not for the faint of heart?!?! Let me explain a little...

Neither of us are patient and sometimes our communication falls short. My husband and I are very different personality wise and it works (mostly) I am the type to cry. I cry out of frustration, sadness, happiness, sappy movies, commercials and practically everything. My husband is very matter of fact and business minded. We compliment each other and balance each other out. However, we have been tested with starting this business! We both strive for perfection and this business is no exception! We want to offer the best service, the best experience and the best products around. We want to share this concept with the world and show everyone how amazing and fun and personal gun wrapping is and we have been at the mercy of independent contractors, time zones and applications.

When I mentioned earlier this was a game of hurry up and wait, it was the best way I can express the feelings we have had. We are so excited to share this with everyone! The process is tiring, the details and changes are endless and the work is hard! The end result will be AMAZING! We are almost there and the reward will be sweet! They always say The Best Things Come To Those Who Wait... The wait is almost over and we hope you enjoy Trigger Happy Customs as much as we do! This labor of love is something we are truly proud of!

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